Anti-St. Patrick's Day

Hey everyone, it's me again! This post might be a little controversial, but it's part of who I am. So, St. Patrick's Day is in 2 days, and most people happily celebrate the man who "drove the snakes out of Ireland". I, and many other Pagans, do not. What many people don't know is...there were most likely never any snakes in Ireland!! The "snakes" that St. Patrick drove out were Pagans. He brought Christianity to Ireland. So, I "celebrate" that day with snakes, showing that I am a proud Pagan...who happens to have a lot of Irish ancestry.

Products used (use my code VIXENPRINCESS for 10% off at Maniology!):
Seche Clear Base Coat from
L.A. Colors Color Last Champagne Sapphire from Walmart (can't find a link)
Tree of Life Stamping Polish from
Snake Vinyls from
Radio Rant Stamping Plate from
No Smudge Nail Polish Top Coat from
Northern Lights Gold Holo Top Coat from
Salon Perfect Crystal Clear Top Coat from


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